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Strike a Pen

For readers

Match Factory Editions will bring you fired-up poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and everything in-between – both text- and image-based. We champion fabulous stories that tell a deeper truth. Like you, we don’t tolerate nonsense unless it’s the kind that makes us laugh. Like smoke, we go high, and we go low. Our first two titles will launch in the fall of 2023.

For writers

Our publishing model is based on solidarity. Two or more single-author books develop simultaneously, with their authors collaborating on editing, proofreading, layout, and marketing. These authors share their editing skills and their networks to turn already brilliant manuscripts into beautiful books ready to reach the hands and eyes of the readers who need them. Sign up for future calls for manuscripts.

For media

Contact RD Morgan and Snezana Zabic at  editors@matchfactoryeditions.com.

About Us

We publish prose and poetry by writers and for readers with working-class roots, small-town memories, or experiences of downward mobility. If you missed the gravy train or were never offered the fare, Match Factory Editions is the place for you.